Thursday, June 21

Tears of Change

On the flight back home from Tampa, FL
My loves... I started residency today and I missed you both so much. You both have brightened my life SO much. Alma- I missed your warm, beautiful, easy smile. Emilio- I missed our dance parties, laughs and cuddles.
I start this time away from you with such sadness. I loved having so much time devoted to nothing more than being your mom.

As I start this new chapter in my--our--lives, I will be there, I mean I promise to really be here, when I am home. I will do my best to leave work at work.


Alma- today, when I got home. You discovered your little hands, and laughed. Opened them, closed them and laughed. I love that. I love you.

Emilio- today you wanted me and Da-dune to kiss your cheeks and it made you and us smile. You make me proud to be your mama.


Wednesday, January 11

Waaaaaay too long...

Alma Rose Montoya Houghton

It has been WAAAAAAYYY too long since I posted and life has flown by, I cannot believe it has been over a year since my last post!
In this last year, I finished my last required set of required rotations and will graduate in May with my M.D., insane, exciting and totally frightening! Kris is now working at the Court of Appeals in Albuquerque and continues to run like crazy.
But most importantly, we welcomed our little angel into this world: Alma Rose Montoya Houghton. She was born December 4, 2011 at 5:34 am after 1 hour and 34 minutes of labor! When it was time, she knew she wanted to enter this world quickly!
Emilio has been such a loving and caring big brother. Anytime she cries, he quickly notifies us that "sister sad" and tries to console her.
Things have slowed down for me as far as school goes and I spend my days discovering Alma, feeding her, changing her, loving her, watching her sleep. She is beautiful and my life has been truly blessed to be her mama.

Sunday, December 5


Emilio took his first steps today. I knew it would be coming soon, but it still seemed so sudden. I had just left the house to study and Kris was watching Emilio before giving him dinner and all the sudden he took not one, not two... but THREE steps! Kris called me and I immediately turned around and was able to catch a couple videos on my camera. Over the course of less than 30 minutes he became a lot more comfortable... it so SO crazy.
Life goes by so quickly. On the one hand I am so happy for my beautiful baby, but on the other hand, he is starting to sprout his wings. So happy and so sad. What a blessing. He is so amazing and such a blessing. Thank you God. Thank you...


Sunday, November 21

The happenings...

Time flies. The weather has already changed and all the leaves have fallen from the trees. Here comes winter again, but this year brings a feeling of something other than just waiting for Spring. It will be Emilio's first birthday and first Christmas. I cannot believe how fast time has gone. He is growing so fast and becoming so aware.  Life is amazing!
An update on the family: Emilio is sooo close to walking, just a little nervous to take that first step. He'll realize nobody is holding on to him and you can see the surprise in his eyes and he drops to the floor. He loves exploring, looking at his books, opening and closing doors and crawling around. He is such a mellow  baby, he is the perfect balance to our hectic lives. Kris and I get home from the craziness of the hospital and the firm and the sight of him brings a sense of relief and happiness. He has such an energizing force. No matter how tired I thought I was, he makes me smile and laugh. With him and Kris, I am home. I truly love my little family.
Lawyer in training

Being silly at dinner
Kris has been so busy with the Immigration firm and loving it, he is nearly fluent in Spanish and uses it daily, after a long day's work, he comes home and supports me endlessly with the obligations of the house and life. He has been SO supportive of me, I know I couldn't do this without him. On top of everything else, he has also decided to take the Patent Bar and has been studying nearly 30 hours a week in preparation.

For me: I have finished Pediatrics and Neurology. I start Psychiatry tomorrow, but I am no where closer to knowing what I want to do with the rest of my life. I still know I want to be a doctor, as exhausting as it is sometimes, so that is a good sign. It's a hard road, but SO rewarding. What an honor and a privilege to have the trust of people with something as serious as their health. I know I have SO much more to learn, but what is amazing is that a life as a doctor is a life of learning. I love that.

 Some recent pics:
Corpse Bride- Halloween 2010

My little Monkey- Halloween 2010

love. M+K+E

Thursday, September 30

Busy, busy but life keeps cruising along

Being super cute and contemplative
It's been awhile and so much to say but not quite the time. I am in the midst of my Pediatric rotation, which is both rewarding and serves to make me a serious hypochondriac with Emilio! Nothing has been more humbling and difficult than working with patients and patients' families who will not live past this year. I've found myself either crying or holding back tears on so many occasions that I sometimes wonder if I'm cut out for this doctor thing. 

Doctor wanna-be

The hours are super long but I find no matter how tired I am, coming home to my beautiful family rejuvenates me. I can't help but smile when I see my happy and healthy little love-bug.
What a good Dada!
Kris has been super busy too, lawyering, running and daddying! He has been training hard for the Chicago marathon this coming weekend and spending long hours at work. We are still trying to find some kind of balance in our lives with career, family, school and other activities.

Emilio has ALSO been busy, pulling himself up to his feet, walking while holding to furniture, and he has expanded his vocabulary: dada, mama, papa, gog (we think he's trying to say dog). 
His new favorite thing to do- splashing in the bath!

With love,
Maria, Kris and Emilio Marcelino